Replacement for avpatch

Produced by: Nodling Dragon
Website: Ultima Tech Info and Patches

A replacement for avpatch.exe, which causes issues with installing the Ultima 4 Upgrade under DOS.
From Nodling’s site:
You can’t install the Ultima 4 Upgrade under DOS, because avpatch.exe is a Windows console application. This new avpatch.exe can be run in DOS, Windows and DOS emulators.
i have a hp pavilion slimline s3127c desktop computer operating with the #@$%^$#&*(^%$ windows vista and i am not able to make ultima 4 work. could some body tell me what to download and how to install it. would appreciated. thank
Have you tried DOSBox? I don’t know if they have a Vista-compatible build just yet, but that might be a good starting point. The original U4 is freeware, and I believe there’s a download available here on the site.
Get DOSBox here.
Play MS-DOS Games on Vista
Coax retro DOS games to play on Vista
DOSBOX Vista – Quandry Forums
Windows Vista Application Report – DOSBox