Ultima 4 Upgrade

Produced by: Aradindae Dragon, Wiltshire Dragon, Hurin, The Exodus Project
Website: Moongates Ultima 4 Annex | The Exodus Project | Dor Lomin

An upgrade package for the PC version of Ultima 4 that adds VGA graphics support, the original score, hotkeys, and frame-limiting.

An upgrade package for the PC version of Ultima 4 that adds the original score from the Apple and Commodore versions of the game.

A set of alternative musical arrangements for Ultima IV and xu4.

The edited MIDI music files included in the U4 Alternative Music package.

Recordings of the edited MIDI music files included in the U4 Alternative Music package, as played on the Synergi GS Soundfont on a SoundBlaster Live.

Hurin’s fixes for the Ultima 4 Upgrade, which make it work better when used in xu4.

Hurin’s reworking of Telavar’s Ultima Music, which allows it to be used in xu4.
A collection of upgrade packages for the MS-DOS version of Ultima 4 that adds VGA graphics support (256 colors), the original score from the Apple and Commodore versions of the game, hotkeys, and frame-limiting to keep the game speed normal on fast systems.
The upgrade began as two parts: Aradindae Dragon’s Music Machine, and Wiltshire Dragon’s Graphics Package. The final upgrade package is a combination of their efforts, although the Music Machine can also be obtained as a standalone download.
The Exodus Project, meanwhile, contributed an Alternate Music Pack, which adds reworked versions of the various songs in its soundtrack to Ultima 4 (and it is also compatible with xu4). Voyager Dragon has also made MIDI and MP3 recordings of the music available.
As well, there is a fourth download available: Hurin has reworked the Graphics Package to make it compatible with xu4, correcting issues with how xu4 displays the base terrain and the game’s HUD in its VGA-ALLPNG video mode. Hurin also devised a fix for the errors xu4 makes when displaying the endgame sequence in that same graphics mode.
Hello there! Many thanks for creating these patches. Unfortunately, I’m having issues getting the upgrade to work in Win7 due to a 64 bit conflict. When I run SETUP.EXE it simply states that it’s not compatible with 64-bit. Any advice? I LOVE this game, but I’m craving the music!
Thanks in advance,
Hi Ryan…I didn’t create these patches, but I’m glad you’ve found them even so.
The best thing to do, I suppose, would be to run them in a DOSBox environment that also included your Ultima 4 game folder. That should allow the patches to be applied. Or you could try Pix’s Ultima Patcher.
Pix saved the day! Thanks for the help.
(I couldn’t get it to work with strictly DOSBox, for some reason, but I guess it doesn’t matter after all)
Glad Pix’s utility worked for you (and glad to have helped).