xu4 for the Nokia 770/M800

Produced by: Arnim Sauerbier

A port of Exult to the Nokia 770 and N800 internet tablets.
If you use a Nokia 770 or N800 internet tablet, and if you would like to be able to play Ultima 4 — using the xu4 engine — whilst on the go, this is a project for you!
Arnim Sauerbier has ported xu4 to the Maemo mobile operating system, targeting these two Nokia tablets in particular. It is my understanding that Ultima 4 is fully playable on the devices; what will be more impressive still is if there are any of these devices still in circulation on which to play xu4.
thanks for the mention. i will do my best to be more active in 2008 and to continually improve these ports. the work is never-ending.
ultima 4 and 5 are very playable with dosbox. xu4 should get a command-ui rework sometime in 2008. haxima is lower on the list, but has great potential. exult is high on the priorities to rework the ui to be more playable. anyone is welcome to contribute.
Sounds excellent. I have added the project to me “regular check” listing of bookmarks, so as long as you occasionally post news of updates to the project site, I’ll be sure to notice and report them.