Ultima 4 Map Editor

Produced by: Ram Dragon

A Windows utility to edit the map of Ultima 4.

A DOS utility to edit the map of Ultima 4.
This is a utility to edit the placement of graphical tiles — that is: the world map — of Ultima 4.
The original editor required EGA graphics and the original shapes.ega file; it was a DOS-based executable. Ram Dragon subsequently — in April of 2011 — issued a recompiled, Windows-friendly version that removed the resolution limitation. This new version also features some improvements built with djgpp and Allegro, such as the ability to take screenshots. It also relies on upgraded graphics tiles for Ultima 4 (these are included with the download), but still requires the map files from the original game. These features were then incorporated into a re-complied version of the original DOS-based editor.
I got the readme for this editor:
Ultima 4 World Map Editor v1.0
by Ram Dragon
(a.k.a Matthew Duncan)
that’s how it starts.
I’m compiling a list (and a zip file) with everything I got that it’s not on your site for Dino. I’ll also send you a copy of it, including this editor with it’s readme.txt
Thanks for the update, Natreg. I’m always looking to add to the collection!
I’m on a snails-pace connection at present, but I’ll update this entry when I get back to the hotel this evening.
Ok, I have sent the programs to your gmail account 🙂
Hello everyone!
It’s great to see an editor I wrote many years ago still available for download somewhere. I’ll try to dig up the source and recompile it under MinGW or something to make it more palpable for desktops to run.
Ta ta for now.
Ram Dragon
Hi Ram! Thanks for stopping by!
Please do put together a newer build, if you have time. And if you’d like to drop us a copy of the source to go along with this entry, that too can be arranged.
I found a more recent version with some enhancements I built with djgpp and Allegro. Shouldn’t be too hard to get it working under MinGW.
I also have an Ultima4 world map I ported to Ultima7’s map format, back when Exult was in development and I had a mind to remake Ultima4 in Exult. It fires up in Exult, but there’s not much to do other than walk around as it’s just the base geography. I’ll see if I can dig that out too if anyone want’s a look.
BTW, absolutely fabulous website. My snout is aflame over the all the treasures you have here.
Ram Dragon
Well thanks! Glad you like the site. How’d you stumble across it, if I might ask?
You have a full Ultima 4 map. Implemented for Exult? Hot damn…I’m sure there’d be a few people who’d like to get a look at that!
And yeah, if you can get an updated version working, I’d gladly host it. Heck, I can enable you some temporary FTP access if you want to upload files directly.
Actually, I just happened to be browsing Ultima7 on Wikipedia and there was an external link to this site on the page.
I’m going work on sorting out the program and files so I’ll let you know when I’m ready to upload.
Just a word about the Ultima7 map. It was only the ground level terrain that was ported. I haven’t put in buildings, towns, dungeons (not even sure how to do this) or anything like that so it still needs lots of work.
Ram Dragon
Wikipedia. Neat. Well, glad you found the site…and revealed yourself as the creator of this fine little utility, at that. As is clearly visible, I had no idea.
When you’re ready to upload, I’ll set you up FTP access; it’s probably the easiest solution for all involved.
I’m sure there are still people who’d be curious. If you want to upload the necessary files, I’ll set up a project entry for them.
I’ve got a new version ready. It’s a 634k zip file.
I’ve tested it on 2 WinXP systems. Seems to work fine.
Ram Dragon
Hi Ram…that’s sweet!
I’ve sent you an email with FTP details to the email address that you submitted with this comment. If you don’t get it within the next few minutes, check thy spam folder(s).